Dental Hygienists: Expert Tips for HomecareDental Hygienists: Expert Tips for Homecare

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Dental Hygienists: Expert Tips for Homecare

In between regular cleanings with a dental hygienist, many people wonder what they can do to clean, protect and strengthen their teeth. If you are one of the many people with questions, this blog is designed to help you keep your teeth sparkling in between professional cleanings. It shows you how to adapt professional dental hygiene methods for your home, it explores home whitening techniques, it discuses the best flossing strategies and more. If you want to protect your smile, stick around. You will love the tips, tricks and ideas about dental hygiene that you learn from this blog. Although professional cleanings are necessary, these is a lot you can do in between your appointments, and you can learn about that here. Thanks!

What Do You Need to Know about Your Wisdom Teeth?

Human beings have evolved over the centuries and, as they've done so, may now possess certain "assets" that are superfluous to their needs. Wisdom teeth are one such example, and many people now have four of these that they may never get to use. If you've just become familiar with these unwanted teeth in your own mouth, you may be considering your options and wondering what you should do to move forward. So, what do you need to know?

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Now Superfluous

The wisdom teeth are situated at the very back of your mouth behind the other molars on each corner. At a time when the human bone structure was somewhat different, and the head was more elongated, these teeth could break through into the mouth in the same way as all the others. And these teeth were necessary to deal with the much more basic diet of those times when they were required to help tear and crush tough plants or raw meats.

Breaking Through

Today, there simply isn't enough room for these teeth in normal circumstances, and if you still have all your original teeth, you may encounter problems as the wisdom teeth try to break through.

In some people, these teeth will just stay in place and not make any attempt to erupt. In other cases, they will do their best to move forward and, in doing so, may be prevented by the other molars and surrounding bone.

Problem Cases

In this case, problems may develop. As the wisdom teeth get stuck against the other teeth in front, they can cause pressure and pain. They may cause the existing molars to twist, making them more difficult to clean.

Partial Eruption

Sometimes, the wisdom teeth will start to break through the gum line but not be able to go any further. This is known as being "partially erupted" and can often lead to sore gums, swelling, and inflammation. Unfortunately, food can easily get trapped under the gum line and can cause infections.

Take Action

If you encounter a partially erupted wisdom tooth, you must talk with your dentist. They'll help deal with any immediate inflammation or infection but may recommend removing the offending tooth. This can often be done in the office under local anesthetic, but each case is different. Occasionally, the dentist will dissect the tooth in place, making it easier to extract, and this is often the cleanest technique.

Get Further Advice

Get in touch with your dentist to learn more.