3 Things You Need to Know About Root Canals
A root canal is a dental procedure that is required when the pulp within your tooth becomes infected or inflamed. The pulp is essentially the soft tissue that is found within your teeth that contains nerves and blood vessels. This tissue can become inflamed and diseased over time due to a cavity, a crack in your tooth or even some dental procedures. A root canal allows your tooth to be saved and removes both the inflammation and pain. Before you consider a root canal, it is important that you are aware of some of the lesser known aspects of this procedure to ensure that you are fully prepared.
Eliminates Spread of Infection
A root canal is such an important dental procedure, because it is designed to eliminate the spread of infection. When you have an infection of the pulp, it has the ability to spread throughout your body by gaining access to your bloodstream. This means that an infection of the tooth can be life threatening if a root canal is not done to remove the diseased and infected pulp from the tooth. Not only can the infection spread, but the tooth can become abscessed over time and also lead to deterioration of the bone.
Multiple Visits
Many people assume that a root canal is a single procedure, but it actually requires multiple visits. At the initial visit, a professional dentist will make an opening at the crown of the tooth. This opening is required for the pulp to be removed. You are often given medication during your initial visit to get rid of the infection in the pulp chamber. A temporary crown will be placed on your tooth initially. During your second visit, the pulp chamber will be filled and sealed. It will the require one final visit to place a permanent crown on your tooth to allow it to look and function like a normal tooth.
Music Therapy
The most difficult part of a root canal is the fear that comes along with the unknown aspects of the procedure. Many patients are worried about the pain, and this leads to feelings of anxiety and stress. Listening to music is recommended by many dentists before this type of dental procedure to help clear the mind and release some of the anxiety. Music might not help to relax all patients, but it can make the procedure less frightening for some.