Dental Hygienists: Expert Tips for HomecareDental Hygienists: Expert Tips for Homecare

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Dental Hygienists: Expert Tips for Homecare

In between regular cleanings with a dental hygienist, many people wonder what they can do to clean, protect and strengthen their teeth. If you are one of the many people with questions, this blog is designed to help you keep your teeth sparkling in between professional cleanings. It shows you how to adapt professional dental hygiene methods for your home, it explores home whitening techniques, it discuses the best flossing strategies and more. If you want to protect your smile, stick around. You will love the tips, tricks and ideas about dental hygiene that you learn from this blog. Although professional cleanings are necessary, these is a lot you can do in between your appointments, and you can learn about that here. Thanks!

Restoring Your Smile: Whitening vs Veneers

A person's smile is one of the first things others notice about them, so it's no wonder that many are eager to give theirs a makeover. Whitening and veneers are two of the most popular ways of restoring a smile, but many people aren't sure which option is right for them. Just use this quick guide to learn everything you need to know.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Whitening

Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. A quick and easy solution to tooth discolouration, all you need to do is have a bleaching agent applied to make your teeth whiter.

The effects are immediate, so people can have their teeth whitened quickly for specific events, such as weddings. The procedure itself is painless; the process can be carried out again when necessary. You also won't need to spend very much money or take very much time out of your schedule.  

Unfortunately, though the results are immediate, whitening is not a permanent solution. You may find yourself having to come back for more after several months. Additionally, many people overestimate the importance of whiteness; the appearance of your smile is also effected by chips, cracks, spacing issues, and uneven alignment. Whitening will not take care of any of those problems.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Veneers

Veneers are tooth-coloured shells made from either composite resin or porcelain. These are placed over the top of your teeth, requiring a permanent alteration.  

The most immediate benefit that comes with dental veneers is longevity. Porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years before needing to be replaced, and you won't even need to avoid your coffee and red wine; the whiteness of veneers can be preserved with minimal upkeep. They'll also be designed specifically for you, taking even your skin tone and hair into consideration, and can protect the surface of damaged teeth against further decay. Most importantly, veneers will completely makeover your smile, covering gaps, cracks, and chips to take years off your appearance.

On the other hand, veneers will normally be placed over a six-week period, and can be extremely expensive. Fitting them is more invasive, and candidates might be turned away if they have underlying problems such as gum disease.

There really is no right answer—you'll need to take your own situation into account. Essentially, whitening is generally preferable for otherwise perfect teeth that have simply become slightly discoloured, while veneers are best for those who need a whole new smile. If you need any further assistance, just remember that you can always discuss each option with dentists at clinics like Cosmetic & Laser Dental Clinic.